

Bibliot-Eco is the first ecological library in Rome where citizens can get a free book in exchange for 5 plastic bottles

Rome, Italy | 20 September 2020 – ongoing

Ostia Clean-Up is an environmental Volunteering Organization active in Rome since March 2019. The purpose of the association is engaging the local community in the fight against climate change and the safeguard of natural ecosystems within our Municipality. We pursue this objective through the organization of beach clean-ups, workshops and seminars in local schools, eco festivals, and other creative initiatives connected to climate change communication and sustainability. The one that made us the most proud thus far has definitely been “Bibliot-Eco”.

Bibliot-Eco is the first ecological library in Rome where it is possible to get a free book in exchange for 5 plastic bottles. The purpose of the initiative is to raise awareness on the interconnection between culture and information, on the one hand, and environmentalism, civic duty and sustainability, on the other. Information is key to promoting sustainability within our society: our objective is to raise awareness on the current climate crisis while getting rid of ignorance and misinformation. Bibliot-Eco is not only a library, but also a hub for environmental communication, social representation, youth engagement and inter-cultural enrichment.

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Editor’s Note: All information published as submitted by the author(s). Minor edits may have been made to increase readability and understanding.