Climate Communications 101

Climate Communications 101

A video manual on how to talk about climate change and encourage action to anyone without losing any friends

Global | 1 September 2020 – 30 January 2021

Despite the fact that we communicate everyday, only few manage to successfully convince, inspire and motivate, especially when it comes to difficult subjects like climate change. Often in the movement, we end up engaging people who already agree and turning away people who don’t.

‘Climate Communications 101’ is an informative, yet humorous 10-minute video about ways to effectively communicate about climate change to non-environmentalists, created in 2020 by Thai youth climate activist and storyteller Nanticha Ocharoenchai (Lynn). For the past decade and more, climate change has been a highlighted, yet redundant topic—this video serves as a tutorial for any environmental advocate on how to ‘talk someone out of contributing to humanity’s self-destruction without losing any friends’. The video was shared to the international audience through Greenpeace’s social media channels and locally through the creator’s platform Climate Strike Thailand.

The video features Lynn, who guides viewers through a step-by-step guide on communicating with various types of audiences about climate change, based on principles in communications, psychology and sociology. With her dog, they re-enact interactions with different types of everyday life characters, and how they can attract attention, create understanding and encourage action, as well as how to translate scientific data into digestible information and present hard facts without destroying all hope.

This video demonstrates how we can start from the people closest to us, using everyday socialisation as opportunities to educate others and build on the climate movement. You’re more likely to garner support if you’re not annoying and actually fun to hang out with, and that starts from how you talk and what you talk about—this video helps you with that.

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Editor’s Note: All information published as submitted by the author(s). Minor edits may have been made to increase readability and understanding.