E.D.N.A. (Equilibrio Dinamico di Natura Ambientale) vs E.D.N.A. (Equilibrio Dinamico di Natura Antopica): chi vincerà?

E.D.N.A. (Equilibrio Dinamico di Natura Ambientale) vs E.D.N.A. (Equilibrio Dinamico di Natura Antopica): chi vincerà?

The passing of time describes the climate that changes second by second. The changing climate is the result of the time choices made previously

Global | 30 August 2020 – ongoing

The image highlights how the planet we live in is an open system in which there is a continuous exchange of information between the earth and the atmospheric system. Here I speak of Lorenz’s theory of chaos: the earth is a complex, non-linear and unpredictable system. This is to explain that the emissions we emit, for example in Australia, can have repercussions in Alaska, precisely because the climate system is complex. From this introductory concept, I speak of what has been the evolution of the Planet from 1850 to today, highlighting how the Planet has changed from “prosperous and rich in resources” to today with “the exhaustion of resources and the threat of extinction of different species of flora and fauna due to Anthropic Climate Change. All characterized by different globes that change color from green and clean in 1850, passing through the black and gray colors, for the exploitation of fossil sources, to the brown of the brown economy for the exploitation and the changing use of the soil, up to yellow and red that testify to the increase in temperature and global warming in progress. All the globes are enclosed within a double helix structure, like that of human DNA, where instead of the nitrogenous bases there are the 4 globes drawn.

All this to arrive and ask ourselves the following question: what do we want and must do to mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change between now and 2100? Which path do we want to take? Has that led us to unsustainable development so far, or does that lead us to sustainable development? All taking into account the potential and complex mechanisms that regulate the climate, which together with health emergencies such as COVID-19 can create unpredictability and complexity in our way of life. All this serves to achieve a balance in which man is an integral part of nature and not something superior, as far as the question is concerned: E.D.N.A. Your E.D.N.A. who will win? You can imagine the answer.

The drawing of the framework has been published in an annual sustainability report “BDO Global Report 2020, within the” natural capital “chapter. The image can be seen at page 64 of the following link: https://www.bdo.it/it-it/insights-it/featured-insights/integrated-annual-report-fye-30-giugno-2020

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Editor’s Note: All information published as submitted by the author(s). Minor edits may have been made to increase readability and understanding.