

The impacts of climate change on water as a Simulacrum medium

Global | 5 July 2021 – ongoing

Simulacrum (Jean Baudrillard found Simulacrum as something that replaces reality with its representation), is an attempt to reflect on the value of “water”.

The media is seeking for a dramatic visual story telling of a future where water becomes an object of a museum. A museum which holds precious Baroque paintings, ancient sculptures, 200-year-old bottle of wine and a Water Vessel. Reflecting on what will the “water” be when there won’t be any left? Will we pray for it or we pray to it?

Hidden in the safe for later generations, the Water Vessel transforms to an “Essence”. A deep tie between a mother and the child. Mother, a “one in a million” who holds this treasure dear, who desires it thoroughly and who sacrifices for the treasure survival.

This movie is an invite for a global audience to reflect on how extremely water is taken for granted, with strong and relatable metaphors such as its comparison with wine, less valuable and paradoxically more vital and in risk, along together with its comparison to an ancient artwork where its age and its rare presence underlines its importance, up until literally holding inside a treasure and becoming one in nature with “Water”.


Editor’s Note: All information published as submitted by the author(s). Minor edits may have been made to increase readability and understanding.