Climate News Network

Climate News Network

We work to help other journalists, especially in the global South, to understand climate change and their readerships’ need for reliable and intelligible reporting of it, and then to report it clearly and objectively.

Global | 07/01/2013 –

The four joint editors of the Climate News Network are all former specialist science and environment writers for British media, chiefly The Guardian, The Financial Times and the BBC. We all have experience of mentoring developing world journalists, who need access to resources and contacts in order to report effectively on climate change. This is the challenge we established the Network to address: vital resources and contacts are often hard to find in developing countries, but are abundant in the global North. Our target journalists sometimes also need help in writing and broadcasting effectively, and we share our experience of trying to tell the facts of climate change as clearly and compellingly as possible and in a way that readers, listeners and viewers will quickly understand. Climate News Network provides five weekly news stories on climate and energy science, mitigation and adaptation. We publish under a Creative Commons license, so although our output is aimed primarily at fellow-journalists, it is available to anyone, for use in any way they want. We charge nothing for it and pay ourselves nothing. We email our news stories daily (Monday to Friday) to a user list and also publish them on our website and on Twitter and Facebook. We mentor developing world journalists online at no cost and are expanding our training and mentoring activity. We also provide training workshops in-country at minimal cost. The Network is an NGO, registered at Companies House in London as a Private Limited Company. Key milestones have been our ability to attract funding from foundations, but at the moment we are receiving less than we need ideally. We can continue to produce the Network, but we face a serious challenge from our own age (an average of nearly 75 years for the four editors). So we are working to recruit some younger colleagues to keep the Network going with the same spirit.

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Editor’s Note: All information published as submitted by the author(s). Minor edits may have been made to increase readability and understanding.