A Glimpse into the Future

A Glimpse into the Future

The project was an open exhibition and workshop of future visioning, during which bystanders were encouraged to envision a sustainable future for the city of Bruxelles using analog augmented reality techniques and then add their vision to the connected ever-expanding exhibition

Brussels | Started on 09/06/2022 – Concluded on 12/06/2022

“A Glimpse Into The Future” was a project included in the New European Bauhaus Festival: an open interactive exhibition that lasted four days and that was created with the contribution of the bystanders. During the project, five members of the Commando Jugendstil collective created and helped people design sustainable futures for the city of Bruxelles.

The visions would be created in two ways: Bystanders could approach Commando’s gazebo and gather a frame made of recycled wood. The canvas was a transparent acetate sheet, so the participants could point the frame to any landmark or architectural feature of the city and “add” their sustainable ideas on top of them, simply by drawing what they were envisioning with coloured markers on the acetate. This would allow them to combine their sustainable layer together with the reality visible behind it and create their own vision of a sustainable Bruxelles. Once the drawing was ready, the Commando would take a picture of the combined image and print a “polaroid” of it to add it to the exhibition available at the gazebo: the more participants would contribute, the more visions would be available for all to see. More than 80 unique futures have been collected and affixed around the gazebo during the festival.

The Commando would take pictures of significant places around the city and bystanders would be able to modify these images using the same principle described above. This was meant to add variety to the backgrounds available for the bystanders, as using this method they would be able to travel around the city and so not limit themselves to the area of the festival. Some of the bystander particularly enjoyed imagining the sustainable makeover of places that they already knew.

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Editor’s Note: All information published as submitted by the author(s). Minor edits may have been made to increase readability and understanding.