An award-winning climate storytelling and public engagement project which invites people to write climate letters to those they love living in the future
Brooklyn | Started on 01/01/2015
DearTomorrow’s theory of change starts from the simple but powerful belief that storytelling is at the root of all change. The stories we tell ourselves and each other form the social, political and physical world in which we all operate; thus, when we tell powerful stories about the world we wish to create, we take the first, critical step toward making that world reality. The most powerful stories we have to tell– the ones that build connection and community, give us hope for a better future, and inspire personal and collective action–are our own stories.
To harness the power of personal storytelling, DearTomorrow focuses on five main activities: (1) Offering a deeply personal legacy lens for people and communities to reflect on what the climate crisis means in our lives, positive visions for the future, and personal commitments to act. (2) Facilitating meaningful conversations on climate change and the role each of us play in realizing impactful solutions. These conversations foster deeper understanding, connection, and longer-term commitment to action. (3) Through partnerships, offering professional development and programming for organizational leaders, educators, and organizers. (4) Facilitating community activations and participatory public art exhibits, encouraging attendees to create their own climate change-related contributions that become part of the exhibit and the global conversation. (5) Engaging in cross-sectoral thought leadership, field-shaping conversations, network-building with leaders, creatives, and funders to promote effective, creative public engagement strategies.
We believe that deep, personal reflection on the climate crisis is fundamental to build a powerful social movement to address the issue. We remain steadfast in our commitment to contribute to a global culture of hope and determination – creating a future where climate solutions are driven by a shared vision of a thriving planet.
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Editor’s Note: All information published as submitted by the author(s). Minor edits may have been made to increase readability and understanding.