Testigos de Hielo (Ice Sentinels)

Testigos de Hielo (Ice Sentinels)

An art-science exhibition and memorable experience aiming to spot-light the role of glaciers as a climate sentinel in the common life of the citizens in a region that is under a severe hydric-stress due to a long drought as consequence of the global climate change

Valparaiso | Started on 06/04/2023 – Concluded on 28/07/2023

This joint art-science project is proposed as a instrument of demonstrating the implications of scientific research in daily life and society. After the release of last Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report was delivered, the scientific community has generated solid evidence that demonstrates the vulnerability of the Chilean and southern South America territory, facing a steep trend of decreasing rainfall and increasing atmospheric temperature, being the past five years among some of the most extreme in the historical meteorological record. Chile is facing a particularly sensitive environmental scenario, due to its natural dependence on the water reserves contained in the mountains and extensive Patagonian ice fields. We aim to transfer this scientific concern to the public, without triggering a climate “anxiety” in the participants.

This memorable experience, which seeks to challenge and guide the attendee to adopt the steps of the scientific methods, will be exemplified in a glaciological investigation. In a controlled capacity space, the extraction of an “Ice Cores” will be simulated as a means of study and discovery of climatic and environmental processes. The participant will observe a real ice core as a central object, and along with the initial experiential impact, they will be challenged to interpret scientific data associated with a significant climate period of time, presented in a code of sensorial experiences in the form of sound, colour-tones and temperature, thus ensuring the inclusivity of a diverse audience. After a period of guided reflection, the attendee will be able to generate personal conclusions that will provide them with tools to understand the scientific methodology.This experience is located in one of the regions most affected by water scarcity in the South American region.

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Editor’s Note: All information published as submitted by the author(s). Minor edits may have been made to increase readability and understanding.