

Local hubs designed to accelerate the ecological transition on cities, including everyone, to put power back in the hands of the communities

Pontassieve | Started on 25/04/2022

The Transistor project is a way to work locally, building grassroots power, and to also make a difference nationally by operating under a national strategy for emissions reduction. Groups that work nationally often find they can’t build power (beyond lobbying and advocacy) because they lack local relevance. Groups that work locally often lose sight of how local issues relate to high-priority national (or global) questions like the climate crisis, and fail to network across regions and issues. The Transistor Hubs, acting as a network with a strong methodology, learning framework and strategy, aim to do both.

The Transistor project aims to catalyze rapid change at the local level, focusing on areas that have the highest potential for emissions reduction and supporting job creation/livelihoods. The Transistor concept builds off of Transition Towns, which also aimed to local ecological transition, but they often lacked a strong methodology, strategy and, above all, power analysis. Each Transistor will begin with an analysis of how power works and how is wielded locally, and the planning will be constructed with a view toward giving back power to the community in such a way that key environmental and livelihood issues can be prioritized in local and regional decision-making. In some cases, the power-holders can be quite problematic figures, necessitating a concomitant strengthening of networks (sometimes even nationally) and escalation tactics to stand up to them.

Concept and coordination: Lorenzo Ci and Stephanie Brancaforte Art direction: Lorenzo Ci Illustration: Marta Scalvi Animations and home page: quasiDigi Web design: Micol Urtesi

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Editor’s Note: All information published as submitted by the author(s). Minor edits may have been made to increase readability and understanding.