The Color, Green
A poetry anthology that examines the subtle and adverse effects of climate change on African indigenous communities and the planet
A poetry anthology that examines the subtle and adverse effects of climate change on African indigenous communities and the planet
An environmental data-driven plant-robot that shows how our political choices made today, impact the climate of tomorrow
A weekly comedy newsletter on the climate and environmental crisis
An animated video to engage civil society with the outcomes of the Regional Conference Of Youth calling to sign a campaing to support the document “From protest to proposal” that contains recommendations for big emitters and policy makers in Latinamérica
An article about the threats to birds in Kenya with climate change reducing food availability for flamingos
A video interview with John Kioli, a member of the Kenya Climate Change Council, Executive Director at Green Africa Foundation and the Chairperson of the Kenya Climate Change Working Group. He helped draft the Climate Change Act of 2016 and other policies in Kenya
Línte na Farraige engages the public visibly and tangibly with the risks associated with future sea level rise and storm surges, through a series of renewably powered light installations placed across Irish coastal locations and heritage sites in 2022 and 2023
Empowering young people in schools and communities with climate information and ways to take action through environmentally friendly income-generating activities
A documentary about Ecosystem-based Adaptation to Climate Change
An interview style podcast whose aim is to amplify voices for conservation one conversation at a time
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