A critically acclaimed, award-winning photojournalist, filmmaker, public speaker, and educator joins in dialogue with an outstanding science and data journalist.
Ed Kashi has been at the forefront of new approaches to visual storytelling for 40 years, documenting many of the social and geopolitical issues that define our times. His work has contributed to the success of @EverydayClimateChange.
Elisabetta Tola is a science communication expert, lecturer, and trainer who promotes a scientific approach to journalism.
Through images and journalism the public embarks on a journey around the world and an open dialogue on how climate change is changing lives and how photography as a medium can improve and innovate climate change communication and contribute to the climate transition.
A live streaming Seeds. Words that feed the future event for the CMCC Climate Change Communication Award “Rebecca Ballestra”.
Ed Kashi
Ed Kashi is a critically acclaimed, award-winning photojournalist, filmmaker, speaker, and educator who for nearly 40 years has dedicated himself to documenting many of the social and geopolitical issues that define our times. His work contributed to the success of @EverydayClimateChange. A sensitive eye and an intimate relationship to his subjects are signatures of his work. A member of the VII Agency since 2010, Ed has been recognized for his complex imagery and its compelling rendering of the human condition. In addition to editorial assignments, filmmaking and personal projects, Ed is a mentor to students of photography and an active participant in forums and lectures on photojournalism, documentary photography and multimedia. His early adoption of hybrid visual storytelling has produced a number of influential short films. Additionally, his editorial assignments and personal projects have generated eight books, including Curse of the Black Gold: 50 Years of Oil in the Niger Delta, THREE, and Witness Number 8: Photojournalisms. In 2002, Ed, in partnership with his wife, the writer and filmmaker Julie Winokur, founded Talking Eyes Media, a non-profit company which has subsequently produced numerous award-winning short films, exhibits, books, and multimedia pieces that explore significant social issues. They are currently engaged in a 5-year storytelling project with Rutgers University in Newark called Newest Americans, focused on immigration, for which they recently received a two year grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Elisabetta Tola
Elisabetta Tola is Founder and CEO of Italian science communication agency formicablu and datajournalism.it, a laboratory for data-driven stories and tools. She is co-founder of Facta, a Mediterranean non-profit center that brings scientific method into journalism. Elisabetta is author, with Marco Boscolo, of “Semi Ritrovati”, a journey through agro-biodiversity, Codice Ed. (2020). She is also author of international cross-medial and investigative projects Seedversity.org and Seedcontrol.eu on global agro-ecology and seed market. She is radio presenter at the Italian national public radio, RAI Radio3scienza and contributor as data and science journalist at Il BO Live and other publications (European Science Media Hub; ValigiaBlu; Il Tascabile). She is past contributor to AGI Agenzia Italia; Wired IT; La Stampa; L’Espresso; IL – Sole24Ore. Elisabetta is media trainer on digital journalism and verification (MCS Sissa; Master in Giornalismo UniBO; Master in Giornalismo IULM; Master in giornalismo UniCatt Google News Lab 2015-17). Speaker and discussant at national and international public events. Science communicator and consultant for dissemination and outreach strategies, digital production and research on media strategies and innovation in EU-funded projects (DIVERSIFOOD; CERERE; DYNAVERSITY; NEWSERA; FEDORA). Member of advisory boards for ARENA for Journalism in Europe – EIJC and Dataharvest. Tow-Knight fellow 2019 for Entrepreneurial Journalism 2019 at Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism, New York.