The Icebreaker

The Icebreaker

A Tabletop Roleplay Game developed by game designers and scientists. The Icebreaker focuses on the Antarctic environment, which plays a key role in the climate balance, and the research activities carried out to explore the continent aboard a research vessel

Trieste | Started on 01/02/2023

The Tabletop Roleplay Game Icebreaker, developed by the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics – OGS and the cultural association Genitori di ruolo, is set in Antarctica, which plays a key role in the climate balance. Any change this continent experiences affects the planet’s thermal balance, atmospheric and oceanic circulation, ecosystem and sea level. The pristine environment of this continent makes Antarctica a natural laboratory to study the effects of climate change. The game simulates a research activity on board of the oceanographic research vessel Laura Bassi. Divided into teams, players must collect data about the sea and complete their mission, which is to provide evidence of climate change to the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources. During the game, players have to face many dangers, both real and sci-fi, which make the game even more addictive. The main enemy is Syktaria, a fictional nation that opposes the expansion of marine reserves in Antarctica and will do anything to hinder the scientists’ work.

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